Making Change Significant
A wise individual once said, ‘Our life is shaped by our mind, for we become what we think’. Being mindful about your change journey calls for contextualized adjustments toward your unique identity. As Change whisperers, our vocation is to guide individuals, teams and organisations through the process of change.
Success is when you achieve… Significance is when others achieve with or through you.
Learn more about the current status of Covid-19 in South Africa here.
About Us
Who we are
We are Work Psychologists and Change Whisperers that influence and facilitate organisational change using 25+ years of experience, tools, interventions, workshops and journeys.
What we do
Human insight and business sense.
We focus on Human-in-work system development to create a sustainable change journey customized to the unique context of the organization and its people.
We work with you to navigate through the change, map business transformation, develop
capacity and agility for change and provide complimentary people-focused
solutions to embed the change.
Why us
Significance is about going beyond success….a sustainable solution that benefit self and others. We redefine your potential for change and transform the ordinary into extraordinary. The ethos for SigniFYER is in facilitating sustainable change and therefore any assignment we undertake, we believe is a cog in a broader network and system that is continually shifting.
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